The City of Kamloops hosts more than 100 sports, cultural, and community events and tournaments each year. We understand the value and importance of planning an event down to every detail to ensure its success. We are here to help and provide guidance in planning an event in a City facility or park.
We encourage every organizer to read through our guidelines to understand our timelines and expectations as we work together on your event.
Organizers must complete an initial event application form, which the City will review for date availability and event viability. A City Events Coordinator will follow up to review and complete a thorough event checklist to begin planning your event. In the case of large events, a site visit before approval is required.
Event Application Information
The event calendar for the upcoming year is finalized between October 15 and December 1 each year. If you want to ensure availability for your event in the upcoming year, it is best to contact us before October 15.
New Events
Applications for new events will be accepted and evaluated on an ongoing basis and must be submitted at least 60 days in advance. Any requests made within the 60-day window may be declined if there is inadequate time for proper planning and meeting deadlines.
Note: Any bookings made within the 60-day window are payable in full at the time of booking and are subject to the City’s cancellation under Recreation Facilities Fees, Charges, and Regulations Bylaw No. 35-98.
Annual/Repeat Events
If an event takes place annually and is planned to be held again the following year, applications can be submitted immediately following the event or before October 15. Any changes to dates or locations will be considered once all other events are confirmed.
Fees, Deposits, and Payments
A City Events Coordinator will provide a list of requirements for your event permit based on the information provided in your initial Event Application Form.
- Permit fees vary depending on the facilities required, the duration of the event, and any additional fees, services, or equipment necessary.
- Additional equipment and services costs for bleachers, underground locates, electrical cheater boards, liquor permit approval fees, etc. may also apply.
- The City provides not-for-profit, regular, and commercial rates. To qualify for not-for-profit rates, a not-for-profit number is required at the time of booking.
- Payment by installments may be possible. Please discuss this with the City Events Coordinator.
- Once a tentative permit has been issued, you will have 15 days to respond to the Facility Booking Clerk to confirm the permit. After 15 days, the tentative booking will be cancelled.
- The confirmed permit must be signed and returned to confirm your event.
- Supporting documents are to be received three weeks before the event. If all the required documentation is not received by the deadline, the City reserves the right to cancel the event. Refunds are subject to the City’s cancellation policy under Recreation Facilities Fees, Charges, and Regulations Bylaw No. 35-98.
- Final payment of the original confirmed permit is required 60 days before the event. Any fees that become payable due to an amendment are payable at the time of amendment.
Requests to change a permit must be made in writing, and an amendment must be signed by both the licensee and a signatory on behalf of the City.
If the event is cancelled between 59 and 31 days before the event, a 50% cancellation fee will apply. If the event is cancelled between 0 and 30 days before the event, no refund will be provided, as outlined in Recreation Facilities Fees, Charges, and Regulations Bylaw No. 35-98.
To prepare a permit, the City must collect the necessary information to confirm the permittee’s identity. Representatives of a corporation or society must prove they are authorized to sign on behalf of the legal entity.
All permits require complete contact information, including, but not limited to, legal name, mailing address, email address, and phone number.
To verify the permittee’s identity, the City will require the following:
Individual Bookings
- Government-issued photo ID (e.g. driver's licence, provincial ID card, or passport) must be supplied in person to verify the identity.
Corporate Bookings
- Corporate legal names, as shown on government documents, and any doing business as (DBA names) must be provided.
- Corporate GST numbers must be provided.
Non-Profit Bookings
- Society legal name, as shown on government documents, and any doing business as (DBA names) must be provided.
- Society numbers must be provided.
Insurance Requirements
A Certificate of Insurance must be completed by your insurance broker and provided to the City for approval before an event may proceed. The Certificate of Insurance must be received at least three weeks before the start of the event. Failure to provide insurance will result in the event being cancelled.
For convenience, your insurance broker may use the City’s Certificate of Insurance template.
Many on-site activities have additional insurance requirements or specific guidelines that may require City approval. The most common of these activities include, but are not limited to, amusement rides, petting zoos, inflatables, the operation of drones, and large production structures (i.e. scaffolding and other construction structures).
Commercial general liability insurance of no less than $2 million to $5 million will be required. Limits of liability may be increased depending on the event's type and level of risk.
The Certificate of Insurance must include:
- City of Kamloops listed as additional insured
- City of Kamloops legal address:
7 Victoria Street West, Kamloops, BC, V2C 1A2
Commercial general liability insurance should include, but not be limited to:
- premises and operations liability
- products or completed operations liability
- blanket contractual liability
- cross liability
- occurrence of property damage
- hoist liability
- contingent employers' liability
- personal injury
- liability with extension to non–owned licensed
- non–owned automobile
Any deductible or reimbursement clause contained in the policy shall not apply to the City and shall be the sole responsibility of the insured.
Written notice of material change and/or cancellation must be given to the City three weeks prior.
When an event has multiple booths or vendors (e.g. a festival), event organizers must confirm who is covered by the event organizer’s insurance. Event organizers are responsible for informing uninsured vendors that they must contact the City Events Coordinator to discuss the level of insurance required and to provide a Certificate of Insurance directly to the City.
Inflatables have additional insurance and regulatory requirements in BC. For events involving inflatables, the name of the supplier and who will be operating the inflatable (supplier or organizer) must be provided.
- If the supplier will be managing the inflatable, their Certificate of Insurance must be submitted to the City and meet all the above requirements.
- If the organizer will be managing the inflatable, the Certificate of Insurance must indicate that coverage for inflatables is included.
- Technical Safety BC is responsible for ensuring the safety of amusement devices (including inflatables) in British Columbia. According to the Safety Authority, any amusement device used at a public event must be operated by a licensed contractor, and each device must have its own operating permit. If the operator is not supervising the equipment themselves, the contractor could train a volunteer to operate the inflatable once it has been installed.
Event Requirements
An additional form will have to be filled out along with the Event Application Form and will be sent to Kamloops Fire Rescue to assess their involvement in any event. Based on this assessment, they will be included in all communication if needed.
Complete the Kamloops Fire Rescue form and submit it to the City Events Coordinator once your tentative permit has been issued.
Review the Kamloops Fire Rescue Event Guide to review the complete requirements for obtaining a Kamloops Fire Rescue approval for your special event along with required site plan information, cooking requirements, tent/canopy/structures, and more.
All events held on City property must have a site plan. The City Events Coordinator will work with you to provide you with an appropriate site map to include the following information:
- areas of use and activities
- vehicle and emergency access
- portable washrooms
- size and location of tents (must include tent size dimensions)
- inflatables
- infrastructure, such as staging, bleachers, fencing, barricades, display vehicles, etc.
- generators or electrical cheater boards
- first aid/medical centre location
- if hosting a beer gardens, details on ticket sales area(s), service area(s), entrance(s) and exit(s), security location(s), and fencing as outlined in your special event permit
A production schedule with load-in/load-out timelines is required for bigger events.
Many sites have specific guidelines for access. Event organizers are responsible for overseeing and ensuring contractors are informed and follow specific site expectations. Driving vehicles in certain parks and fields is not permitted, and alternate arrangements must be made to transfer equipment during event setup.
- All events must always stay on designated trails.
- Routes must be pre-approved before the event.
- If tents/stations, etc. are going to be set up, pre-approval of locations is required. Underground locates are required whenever stakes or pegs are being used to secure tents in the ground.
- Trails may not be blocked for use by other park users.
- If arrows/directional markers are required on trails, they must be done with chalk/marking flour and removed following the event.
- Disturbance of trails, natural features, and vegetation/trees is prohibited.
- Motorized vehicles are not permitted in nature parks unless special prior approval is obtained.
Organizers may be required to notify surrounding residents, businesses, and/or the general public of impacts to the area via a notification letter. Notification is required one month before of the event. As a general guideline, notification is required if your event includes:
- a lane or road closure
- amplified sound (i.e. concert)
- a large parking impact in a residential area
- an extended park closure
The Event Services team will determine the necessity of a notification letter, and a copy will be required as part of the event permit.
The notification letter should include the following:
- event dates, times, and location
- route maps indicating closures, detour routes, etc.
- restricted parking areas
- contact information, including email and phone
- other information as applicable
Tenting and On-Site Structures
Understanding the setup/takedown and infrastructure load-in/load-out criteria is crucial when it comes to respecting City parks and facilities and ensuring health and safety. Conditions to be coordinated through the Event Services team may include the following:
- Designated entry and exit locations for event infrastructure in several City parks and facilities.
- Vehicles must stay on hard surfaces unless approved by City staff. Certain conditions apply to specific parks.
- Surveying the ground may be necessary to identify the location of underground utility services (underground locates). The Event Services team will handle this at the organizer's expense.
- Preventative measures must be taken to prevent damage (e.g. tarping under cars, plywood pathways for vehicles passing over turf and food service areas).
- Event setup in a park may be left up overnight with prior written approval. A production schedule that outlines the load-in/load-out for large events is a requirement of the event permit. (see the Security section).
- If event structures, supplies, or equipment are left on site after the scheduled takedown time without approval, an additional fee may be applied.
- Event organizers need to be aware that the City’s Civic Operations Department and Kamloops Fire Rescue will have priority, if needed, to make repairs or access infrastructure. Event organizers should avoid blocking infrastructure unless the City has granted specific approvals.
The City must be notified of all tents planned at an event site.
Conditions include:
- All tents must be indicated with tent size and location on the site map.
- Staking is not permitted in City parks without pre-approval. All tents must be appropriately weighted. Securing tents by tying them to buildings, trees, or other objects is prohibited. Exceptions to the no staking rule must be pre-approved. A site survey to locate utilities, irrigation, and other lines is required at the organizer’s expense.
- If staking of 10 ft. x 10 ft. tents is pre-approved, the stakes must be bright-coloured plastic tent pegs (maximum 9 in.). Metal stakes, if permitted, must be flagged by tying coloured ribbons or tape around them.
- Tents are not permitted within 3 m of any building or permanent structures.
- Smoking and open flame devices are prohibited within or immediately adjacent to a tent.
- Heaters are permitted in tents, providing they comply with Technical Safety BC requirements, applicable gas codes, and the appliance manufacturer's clearance requirements.
Please ensure that you have reviewed the Kamloops Fire Rescue Special Event Guidelines to ensure compliance with cooking, heating, and requirements for booths, structures, canopies, and tents.
Technical Safety BC governs the use of inflatables. Event organizers must comply with all regulations pertaining to their use in BC. In addition:
- weights must be used to firmly anchor all inflatables
- inflatables need to be staffed at all times
- inflatables must be deflated each day during multi-day events
- all straps, anchor wires, and electrical cords must be secure
- generators must be correctly grounded
- inflatable operators must provide additional insurance (see the Insurance section)
Any fencing obstructing access to or from City property requires a gate that can be opened, and a marshal or security officer must always guard the gate. This may require approval from Kamloops Fire Rescue to confirm that appropriate emergency egress is in place.
It is forbidden to stake the ground or erect fences around any park infrastructure without permission.
It is the organizer's responsibility to ensure that all hired contractors comply with all the City's requirements and expectations.
Vehicles must stay on hard surfaces and designated paths and roadways. Driving on grass/turf is prohibited unless approved by City staff. Additional conditions may apply at specific parks and must be discussed with City staff.
Food and Alcohol
Event organizers are responsible for ensuring their event meets Interior Health and Ministry of Health guidelines.
Event organizers should contact an environmental health officer well before the event to discuss the requirements specific to the event and before any information packages go out to vendors.
Two event venues have on-site concessionaires to cater to the general audience. The Event Services team will help coordinate with on-site concession operators and offer contact details for events held at McArthur Island Park and the Tournament Capital Ranch.
Mobile food vendors/food trucks must be on the approved mobile food vendor list to serve the public at an event. See the Business Licensing section for more information.
If providing or preparing food for the event for free or by donation (e.g. pancake breakfast, prepared food, etc.), event organizers are responsible for obtaining the appropriate Interior Health temporary food service permit. If required, a copy of the temporary food service permit must be submitted one month before the event.
If cooking on site involves using BBQs or other cooking appliances, approval from Kamloops Fire Rescue is required by completing the appropriate form.
There must be a plan to dispose of garbage, recycling, and other products from food preparation. Vendors are not permitted to dump grease, grey water, or ice on or in turf areas, bricks, toilets, sinks, or garbage containers. Event organizers are responsible for containing grease and disposing of grey water.
The City does not provide waste removal services for events.
If you plan to serve alcohol, it must be mentioned at the time of requesting the permit. A beer garden approval fee will be included in the permit.
Event organizers are responsible for obtaining the special events permit from the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch. Please provide a copy of your liquor application approval to the City a minimum of three weeks before the event.
Liquor liability insurance is required and must be provided at the time of Certificate of Insurance submission.
Special provisions are required to divert recycling and compost from events. To divert recycling and compost, event organizers should discuss this with the City Events Coordinator early in event planning to determine the feasibility of adding recycling and compost to event waste diversion.
Event organizers are responsible for taking/arranging waste streams to the appropriate facilities:
- Compost is accepted at the Stswékstem Engineered Waste Management Facility.
- Recycling is accepted at City recycling depots.
A waste management plan is required for large events.
The City will provide bins and bags before the event and pick them up after the event when possible. Additional bins can be requested as part of the initial event permit process.
Event organizers are responsible for managing garbage/recycling/refundables, including the permanent on-site bins, during the event.
Event organizers are responsible for dumping all garbage/recycling/refundables into the large bins, which City staff will remove after the event.
If dumpsters are used, they must be located away from the main event area, easily accessible for servicing, and, where feasible, placed on a solid surface. Dumpsters require pre-approval by the City.
Tips for Efficient Waste Management
- Determine the types of waste that will be generated at your event and the types of waste bins that are required.
- To effectively divert recycling and compost at events, the following are best practices:
- Receptacles for recycling, compost, garbage, and recycling should be grouped into waste stations.
- Volunteers or event staff should be responsible for each station to ensure the material is properly sorted into the bins.
- Consider offering compensation or an honorarium to local groups or sports teams to help with managing waste stations
- Waste stations should be located near areas where participants are likely to congregate (i.e. entertainment, tables, playgrounds, or existing waste receptacles).
Utilities and Infrastructure
Event organizers are encouraged to promote inclusivity by ensuring their event is accessible to everyone.
Examples of accessibility include:
- accessible parking near the venue
- proximity to bus stop
- ramp and/or elevator access
- accessible bathrooms
- barrier-free pathways
- wide doorways and aisles to accommodate wheelchairs/scooters
- securing loose cables across walking areas
The City provides electrical service and access in many of our parks and facilities. Availability and amount may vary per location. Requests for power supply are to be approved by the City’s Electrical Unit through the City Events Coordinator.
Subject to approval, generators may be permitted under the following guidelines below to supplement additional power requirements.
- It is critical for event planners to determine the overall electrical requirements for their event, including the number of outlets needed to access on-site power and/or the number and size of generators, to establish the necessary electrical permits and grounding.
- An electrical permit from Technical Safety BC is required when the on-site supply requirement for the equipment (i.e. generators) is installed for temporary use and the supply is greater than 5kVA.
- A copy of the electrical permit or email confirmation from Technical Safety BC stating such a permit is not required must be submitted as part of the event permit.
All cords running along the ground must be covered to prevent tripping hazards. Cable covers are a quick and easy way to help make the event site safe. Avoid running cords across any walkways when possible.
If an event spans multiple days or requires equipment to remain set up overnight in a City park, event organizers can request to have the sprinklers turned off for the duration of the event. This will be coordinated and approved through the City Events Coordinator.
Washrooms may not be available at all locations, or there may not be enough capacity with the washrooms on site to provide service for your event. Please confirm with the City Events Coordinator well in advance regarding the availability of a washroom and the operational hours for the washrooms.
Event organizers should arrange for additional portable washrooms for larger events. These washrooms must be in an easily accessible location for servicing and, where possible, placed on a hard surface. Please discuss proposed locations with City staff for approval before delivery of portable washrooms. Note: Certain locations have specified locations where portable washrooms can be placed.
Portable washrooms will be filled with potable water from a City source and disposed of within the city in accordance with current water restrictions and bylaws.
Roadways and Parking
Event organizers should provide nearby parking options when attendance exceeds on-site capacities. Alternative modes of transportation, including cycling, walking, carpooling, and transit, should be promoted.
The City Events Coordinator may allow organizers to set aside parking lots and/or parking stalls for infrastructure or event space, such as loading/unloading zones, mobile food vendors, portable restrooms, etc. This requirement needs to be included at the time of signing the event permit.
Parking on grass, pathways, driving lanes, fire routes, designated accessible spaces, etc., is prohibited without City permission.
At no time can parked vehicles block access to a fire hydrant.
Certain events requiring the use or closure of City streets, such as block parties, parades, processions, and car shows, will require a special events road right-of-way usage permit. A City road right-of-way is typically defined as the street area between property lines, including sidewalks, boulevards, travel lanes, bike lanes, etc.
Any procession or group of pedestrians numbering more than 20 standing, marching, or walking on any street or sidewalk or any group of vehicles numbering 10 or more standing or moving on any street is considered a parade.
Event organizers are responsible for conducting the final check of the event area/route before the event.
The City does not rent or loan traffic control equipment for events.
Special Event Road Right-of-Way Usage Permit
A special events road right-of-way usage permit and the event application form must be submitted to the City Events Coordinator as a supporting permit.
A special events road right-of-way usage permit requires traffic plans for approval by the Transportation Division. The level of traffic planning required can range from a large, engineered Traffic Management Plan to basic traffic control sketches or closure descriptions.
Event organizers are encouraged to engage with the City’s Transportation Division at and a qualified traffic control company early in the process to determine requirements, costs, and scheduling.
Event organizers should be aware that BC Occupational Health and Safety Regulations for traffic control also apply to volunteer or non-profit organizations and the City.
Traffic Management Plan
The City regularly works with event organizers to better manage pedestrian, cyclist, transit, and vehicular traffic in and around events and work zones in the city.
A traffic management plan is a comprehensive document detailing the strategies for protecting event attendees and workers while safely and efficiently moving road users through or around an event. A traffic management plan is required if your event or activity has significant impacts and/or is long in duration.
A bike valet operates like a coat check service, providing a secure, convenient bike parking option for people riding to an organized event.
The City’s Bike Valet equipment, toolkit, and guidance are currently provided free of cost. To access this service and inquire about its availability for your event, please advise the City Events Coordinator at the time the tentative permit is issued. The location for the Bike Valet should be indicated on the site planning map.
A successful Bike Valet service requires extensive marketing and promotion by the event organizer.
Additional Permits and Activities
If event organizers intend to sell products or services at the event for a profit, including ticket sales, or plan to invite vendors who will conduct sales, a special and one-time events - organizer business licence is required for events such as block parties, festivals, trade shows, and carnivals. The licence fee is $112.20.
If organizing a recurring event at a fixed location, event organizers should apply for their business licence under the Arts, Entertainment & Recreation grouping.
A completed business licence application must be submitted to the City at at least 30 days before the event date. The business licence must be submitted to the City Events Coordinator once approved.
Event organizers are responsible for ensuring all attending vendors apply for and obtain any additional permits or approvals before the event.
What to Know:
- Business Licensing staff will contact event organizers for a list of any food or personal service vendors (e.g. cosmetology, spa treatments, therapeutic massage, etc.).
- Food and personal service vendors will require a temporary permit with Interior Health. Interior Health requires a minimum of two weeks to issue temporary permits.
- A special events road right-of-way usage permit will cover all vendor types, including artisans, small businesses, and food vendors, except for licensed food trucks.
- All vendors must be listed on the event organizer’s liability insurance.
- Any mobile food vendor who is already on the approved mobile food vendor list in Kamloops for the current calendar year is exempt from the special events road right-of-way usage permit requirement; however, they must be invited to the event by the event organizer and adhere to the mobile food vending regulations. If the mobile food vendor in question is not on the approved mobile food vendor list, the vendor must contact the City’s Business Licensing office to ensure that their licensing requirements can be met before the event.
If, before applying, event organizers have questions about whether they or any invited vendors require a business licence for their event, they can view the Business Licensing web page, email, or phone 250–828–3481.
- Business Licensing staff will contact event organizers for a list of any food or personal service vendors (e.g. cosmetology, spa treatments, therapeutic massage, etc.).
Noise from an event significantly impacts other park/facility users and residential neighbours.
While it is recognized that most activities generate noise, the City and event organizers are responsible for taking steps to reduce its impact, namely:- Event organizers and audio companies using City parks must keep noise and music to acceptable levels.
- If an event will go past 10:00 pm, event organizers need written permission from the City. They may be required to issue public notices to surrounding neighbours at the event organizer’s expense. See the Public Notification section.
For reference and information about filming in Kamloops, please review Film Permitting Bylaw No. 35-96 and the Film Production web page. The following tasks must be completed before filming:
- Provide the film production’s budget.
- Fill out the film permit application form and submit it to at least two weeks before the event.
- Purchase a City of Kamloops business licence, a requirement to operate in the city, along with the application form and payment. Documentation of payment must be provided before filming to
Drone OperationDrone operators must adhere to guidelines for all remotely piloted aircraft system (RPAS)/drone filming activity in the city, whether for commercial or other purposes. Please refer to the Drone Use During Filming for more information.
A secondary Certificate of Insurance (separate from the event insurance) with the drone operator is required, with an additional coverage of $5 million per occurrence for general comprehensive liability. When filming on City land, on roads, or on property, the City must be named as an additional insured, and additional insurance may be required based on the scope of activity.
A facility booking is required for filming in City facilities. If your event is held at the same location, the facility booking is part of your event permit. If filming occurs outside your desired event facility, please discuss this with the City Events Coordinator.
The film permit must be supplied to the City Events Coordinator before the event. Please request assistance if needed.
Safety and Security
Depending on the event’s size and scope, event organizers may be requested to submit an emergency management plan to the City for review and approval as part of the event permit.
Event organizers are responsible for ensuring that the event is conducted safely and orderly and that the activities do not adversely interfere with other users. Safety and security measures include site security and emergency access plans, traffic management, and the provision of comprehensive liability insurance for the site from set-up to take-down.
Public safety is essential for all events. Different degrees of emergency preparedness are necessary depending on the scale and size of the event.
Vehicle and emergency vehicle access/egress must be planned in advance for larger events. Please note that many parks have specific access routes and guidelines. A minimum 6 m (20 ft.) emergency access route is required through the event site for larger events.
Event organizers must submit a safety plan to the City Events Coordinator at least one month in advance for larger events for further consideration by Kamloops Fire Rescue.
Depending on the event’s size, scope, and type, varying levels of security may be required (e.g. licensed events).
Special event permit details will dictate the required security. A security plan will be required for large events with liquor service, including:- Structures remain in the park overnight (tents, booths, vehicles, stage, sound, etc.)
- Events with high attendance (i.e. Kamloops Rotary Ribfest, Canada Day, etc.)
- Ticketed events
- Other (i.e. complexity, nature, demographic, time of day, length, etc.)
The staffing level will be determined as part of the event permit, and event organizers are responsible for the cost and management.
- Event organizers are responsible for providing first aid.
- All events are required to have a fully stocked first aid kit easily accessible by event staff, volunteers, and attendees.
- For events with more than 250 attendees, event organizers are encouraged to work with St. John Ambulance. Email to aks about availability and rates.
As a general principle, special events should be accessible to the public. They should not restrict the public’s access to park space, either through physical or financial barriers. However, the City recognizes that special event attendance can be increased under certain circumstances by permitting gated events with admission fees.
Gated events are primarily only permitted in large destination parks or areas of the city. This ensures that the majority of the park or space remains open to the public. Gated events cannot interfere with the active transportation network (pathways, bikeways, etc.). Gated events are subject to an inspection from Kamloops Fire Rescue. Event organizers must complete the Kamloops Fire Rescue special event application form.
Event Development and Resources
Events are key to a vibrant community. The City supports events by offering funding and grants. Please visit for more information.
The City owns the Canada’s Tournament Capital logo, and it is protected by copyright. Any unauthorized use of the artwork and tagline is strictly prohibited without the express consent of the City’s Communications and Community Engagement Division. Event organizers can submit a logo request form to request a logo file for use in promotions.
The City's events calendar includes City-led or City-sponsored events, Tournament Capital hosting events, and large community events that may have a significant impact on the community.
Event organizers are asked to review the event calendar criteria before submitting an online calendar event request. A City Events Coordinator will review and post events if the requirements are met.
At the End of Your Event
Please return the park or facility you have booked to pristine condition within the agreed-upon timeline so it is ready for our next users.
If your event is an annual event, you are encouraged to submit your preferred dates for the following year as soon as your event has concluded. We do not automatically renew your event and secure dates on your behalf.
Have Questions?
Contact us
Community Events Coordinator
Phone: 250-828-3828
Culture and Events Coordinator
Phone: 250-828-3611
Tournament Capital and Events Coordinator
Phone: 250-828-3316