Each year, City Council formally acknowledges individuals who have dedicated their time and service to the City. The selected citizens receive an Exemplary Service Award as formal recognition of their contributions to the community.
The nomination deadline for 2025 Exemplary Service Awards is 4:30 pm on March 14, 2025.
Nominations are accepted in two categories:
Young adult - under 30
Adult - 30 and over
The following Selection Criteria will be applied:
Nominees will have demonstrated commitment to various endeavours or services to the community over a period of time.
Present members of Council, City staff, and groups do not qualify for nomination.
Individuals who have received the Freedom of the City, a Centennial Medal, or a previous Exemplary Service Award will not qualify.
Nominees will have been residents of the City of Kamloops during their service to the community.
Nominations will not be accepted from family members of nominees.
The nominee’s service should be considered to be a voluntary contribution to the growth and development of the community or the well-being of its citizens.
2024 - Spencer and Janet Bryson, Terry Denike, Jennifer Harbaruk, Leann Kopytko, Geordon Lloyd, Deb McDougall-Bergstrand, Jeremy Salamandyk, Jeanette Souliere
2023 - Brian Ross, Cassie McNutt, Cindy Logan, Deanna Hurstfield, Dominique Baird, George Campbell, Lyn Arikado, Robert Gill, Roger Parkes
2022 - AnnMarie Aase, Teresa Dares, Henry Pejril, Ron Popove, Rick Windjack
2020 - Christopher Seguin (posthumously), Shirley Philpot, Tamara MacPherson Vukusic
2019 - Tyson Andrykew, Penny Douglass, Lisa Fuller, Cheryl Kabloona, Lisa Lake, Kristin McLaghlin, and Dr. Andrew Yarmie
2018 - Supt. Brad Mueller, Sam Numsen, Maureen McCurdy, Dale Sturge, Terry-Lynn Stone, and Sean Pitts
2017 - Jonathon Fulton, Gillian Stephenson, Bryce Herman, Danica Wilkinson, and Merek De Witte
2016 - Terri Axani, Sherry Chamberlain, Stan Fike, Francois Lambert, Delores Owen, and Mike Stewart-Smith
2015 - Marion Anderson, Bob Cowden, Chenel Meunier-Tedford, Julie Moray, Jordan Popadynetz, Margaret Rodgers, and Joan Wymer
2014 - Jeff Arnold, Charlie Bruce, Edward "Ted" Erickson, Raymond Jolicoeur, Claire Moreau, Andrew Philpot, Helen Saemerow, and Janice Yeung
2013 - Sandra Blair, Graham Cope, Pat Decker, Jessie Ann Fleming, Trevor Jensen, Niki Remesz, and Anthony Salituro
2012 - Harvey Fraser, Lynda MacKenzie, Acacia Schietenknop, and Ruth Williams
2011 - Maurice (Mo) Bradley, Natasha Chisholm, Kailey Jolliffe, Natasha Nilsen, and Sandy Van Camp
2010 - Sue Adams, Jan Cook, Elizabeth Lyne, and Izzy McQueen
2008 - Natalie Lidster, Alice Ross, and Joyce Ware
1999 - Andrew Quirie
1996 - Ian Neighbour and Robert J Perry
1995 - Naomi B Butner, Ambo Dhaliwal, Jeevyn Dhaliwal, Doreen Haughton, Enid Janzen, Barbara Morgan, Marian Owens, Kris Stephenson, Karen Willies, and Yosh Yoshida