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Bulk Water Supply

In order to better serve our customers while maintaining the security of the municipal drinking water system, the City of Kamloops owns and operates two bulk water dispensing stations located at:

  • 610 Mission Flats Rd
  • 1510 Bunker Rd

These stations allow bulk water haulers to obtain potable water from the distribution system year-round.

Billing and Rates

Bulk water stations track a customer’s use via customer username and password. Customers are billed monthly based on usage. Rates are set in accordance with Table E-2 of the City of Kamloops Waterworks Bylaw No 12-31.  The current rate is $3.12/m3 (2025).  

Contact Us

For bulk water access, contact the City of Kamloops at 250-828-3461 or email

Note: Bulk water stations are the preferred options while seasonally available hydrants and standpipes may only be permitted under specific conditions.