All Council meetings, including Committee Meetings and Public Hearings, are currently being held in Council Chambers at 7 Victoria Street West. Capacity in Council Chambers is limited and the public, media, delegations, and staff are encouraged to participate in meetings virtually through Zoom or observe through the City YouTube channel. Please review important information on how to watch or participate prior to attending a meeting.
The City has launched a new Council Access Portal which enables our citizens to learn about meetings, search for documents, view reports, and more. Please access the portal for:
- Upcoming Council Meeting calendar and agendas
- Past Council Meeting agendas and minutes
- Council Committee meetings and appointments
- Deputy Mayor schedule
Video recordings of past meetings are available through our video archive.
Public Hearings
Public hearings allow affected citizens to provide their views to their elected representatives on planning and land use bylaws. Public hearings are pre-scheduled throughout the year, but may be cancelled if there is no items scheduled for a public hearing at that time. The public hearing process and requirements are governed by the Local Government Act. More information is available on the Government of BC website.