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Frequently Asked Questions

More information on how the City's budget is developed and where tax dollars go can be found on the City Budget page.


Property Taxes

Can I pay my taxes online?

Property Taxes can be paid online or in person with Visa or MasterCard. A non-refundable service fee will apply.

Pay Online 

Additionally, property taxes can be paid through your Bank’s online banking. If you are paying through your bank— ensure the account number (folio without the dashes) is for your current property not previously owned properties. Folio numbers are attached to the property, NOT the owner. Please also ensure that you are paying under Property Taxes, not Utilities or Business Licence accounts.

Payments made through your financial institution may take 3-5 business days to reach the City. Please allow sufficient processing time before the tax due date. Penalties will be applied to payments not reaching the City of Kamloops by the due date.

Do I have access to my property tax account online?

Yes, you can access your property tax account 24/7 with a "MyCity" account. Check your property tax account balance and Home Owner Grant status, view current & past tax information, payment history, and property assessment values. All you need is your tax notice or folio number & access code, an email address & a computer. 

Access MyCity

How are property tax rates calculated?

Property taxes are calculated by applying the tax rate, which is approved by City Council, to the assessed value of your home, which is determined by BC Assessment. Read below for an explanation of how the City's tax rates are set, followed by some links to specific web pages and videos provided by BC Assessment. 

How are property tax rates calculated?

  • City Operations: The City needs to collect from citizens in order to operate–that is, to balance the necessary costs and priorities while maintaining the service levels that our community expects. Citizens are invited to provide feedback during the budget process. Council approves the budget in March, and tax rates are subsequently set.
  • Hospital and School Taxes: The City collects taxes for external authorities like the hospital and the school district. Taxes for these external entities are not set by the City. However, for ease of collection, the City collects the specific amount of taxes along with property taxes in order to disburse the funds on taxpayers’ behalf.
  • External Factors: Certain costs are out of the City’s control, yet they affect property tax rates. Examples include the fluctuating cost of services like insurance and hydro. As a corporate customer of ICBC and BC Hydro, the City, like individuals and families, is faced with covering any rising costs due to rate increases.
  • Value of Your Home: Your total property tax amount depends on the assessed value of your home, which is determined by BC Assessment. The City then applies the Council-approved tax rate to a property’s assessed value.  

Below are links to web pages and videos from BC Assessment that further explain property taxes:

Web pages:


I am a new residential property owner. What do I need to know?

Property Tax Notices are mailed to registered owners in the last week of May. The property tax due date is the first business day after July 1. 

Best Practices:
There are a variety of ways to pay your property taxes. Remember to apply for your Home Owner Grant. Don't wait until the last minute as a 10% penalty applies to late payment of taxes. The City accepts post-dated cheques. 

Processing property transfers, disabilities, and death, also take time and often require paperwork from other agencies. Keep in mind that many financial institutions base their business day on Eastern Standard Time. Play it safe and file early. 

Claiming your Home Owner Grant:
The Home Owner Grant (HOG) is a provincial subsidy program that reduces the amount of property tax you pay for your principal residence. Property owners must meet the eligibility requirements and complete an application form each year. Click here for ways to apply for your HOG. 

Late Payment Penalties:
Payment must be received by City Hall by the due date. Late payments and late receipt of Home Owner Grant applications are subject to a 10% penalty without exception. Penalties are mandated by provincial legislation and are not discretionary. 

If You Did Not Receive a Property Tax Notice:
Not receiving a Property Tax Notice does not excuse the property owner for non-payment of taxes. If you have not received your notice by the second week of June, contact the Revenue Division at 250-828-3437 or

Recent Property Purchases:
You may NOT have received a property tax notice if you have recently purchased a property or you may have received a notice in the previous owner's name. The City does not make adjustments for taxes or utilities where a sale occurs. The standard practice is for conveyors acting on behalf of buyers and sellers of property to adjust for taxes and utilities on the sale or purchase of the property. 

When a Tax Notice is Not in Your Name:
If the tax notice is not in your name but you are the registered owner and you are eligible for the Home Owner Grant, you may still make a payment and apply for the grant. You will need to attach your FORM A Freehold Transfer (or a copy) to the grant application as proof of ownership. 

You may not be eligible to receive a grant this year if the current property taxes have been paid in full by the seller or if you have already claimed a Home Owner Grant on another property this year. 

You Recently Moved and Bank Online:
Property tax and utility accounts stay with the property and do not move with you. Make sure you update your online profile with your new account numbers. Otherwise, the payment(s) will be applied to your previous property tax/utility accounts. 

I did not receive my property tax notice. What do I do?

Property Tax Notices are mailed the last week of May. Non-receipt of a tax notice does not excuse a property owner from payment. Past due payments and Home Owner Grant applications will be subject to a late payment penalty.

If you do not receive a tax notice, please contact: 
City of Kamloops Revenue Division 
7 Victoria Street West 
Kamloops, BC V2C 1A2 

I do not have enough money to pay all my taxes. What should I do?

Claim your Home Owner Grant (if eligible) through the provincial government before the due date. If you can, make a partial tax payment to the City before the due date. You will receive a penalty only on the outstanding balance as of the due date and then there will be no more charges until January 1. On January 1, outstanding balances are charged daily interest.

I received a Property Tax Notice, what is the next step?

Your Property Tax Notice displays a considerable amount of detailed information. To help understand it better, view a sample tax notice with descriptions.

Follow the 3-Step Payment Check List:

  1. Select which column you need to pay on your property tax bill - Column A, B or C. 
  2. Make your payment. Click here for property tax payment options or refer to all payment options on the reverse of your bill. 
  3. Claim your Home Owner Grant (if eligible) through the provincial government. Review the eligibility criteria on the reverse of your bill and view the sample property tax notice for help with understanding which grant you may be eligible for. Click here for a list of ways you can apply for your Home Owner Grant (HOG)

To avoid penalties and interest, please remember the following:

  • Correctly completed HOG applications must be received by the Province, and property tax payments must be received at the City by the due date.
  • To receive the grant, you must apply for the grant each year.
  • You may claim your grant without making a tax payment.
  • Postmark date is not accepted as proof of payment.
  • Mail lost or delayed due to disruption in postal/courier service will be subject to penalty.
  • For payments remitted at your bank, online, or third-party payments, please allow for sufficient time for your payment to be received. Your payment is not received at the City the same day you make your payment.

Is the penalty discretionary?

No. The City of Kamloops has no authority to waive or alter the penalty amounts. Municipalities are governed by provincial legislation which states a penalty must be applied on any outstanding balance (including unclaimed Home Owner Grants) after the due date.

Property taxes for all classes are due on the first business day in July. A 10% penalty will be applied to all outstanding balances after the due date.

My taxes are too high. Can I appeal the amount?

No, the amount of taxes on your bill cannot be appealed. Your total property tax amount depends on the assessed value of your home, which is determined by BC Assessment. If you wish, you may appeal your assessment through BC Assessment. Your assessment notice is mailed to you at the beginning of January each year. 

Why is there a penalty on the Home Owner Grant?

The Home Owner Grant is considered taxes owing until claimed. It must be applied for each year. A 10% penalty will be applied to all unpaid property tax balances on the first business day in July.

Learn how to apply