Accessible Parking Permits and Veterans Plates
Does a person with either a veteran's license plate or a disability permit need to pay at a pay station?
Persons with a disability parking permit can park in a permitted disability stall for a maximum of three hours at no charge. In City-owned lots a designated disability stall may only be used for free parking, all other stalls are paid. The assigned person to the disability permit must be driving the vehicle or with the person driving the vehicle for the permit to be valid.
For vehicles with Veteran plates, a vehicle is permitted to park for a maximum of three hours in a regular stall or in a 10-minute express stall for 10 minutes, at no charge. After the time has expired the vehicle must be moved. Free parking is not allotted in parking lots.
Where can I get a disability parking permit?
Temporary and permanent placards are available through the People In Motion office. These placards are issued to qualified individuals (as determined by a physician) to allow legal access to designated accessible parking spaces.
On-street Parking
How can I pay for parking?
Pay parking in the downtown core is in effect Monday-Saturday, 9:00 am–6:00 pm. Payment can be made at any pay station using coins (except pennies) or credit cards.
Payment can also be made using the PayByPhone, a parking app. The app is intuitive and easy-to-use and allows payment for parking remotely through your mobile, tablet, or desktop computer. There is no user fee for this service.
When is pay parking in effect?
On-street pay parking is in effect from Monday to Saturday, 9:00 am-6:00 pm.
Who can park in a marked Commercial Zone?
Anyone with a valid 15-minute or 2-hour Commercial Permit or a 4-hour Utility Permit may park in a marked Commercial Zone.
Who can park in a marked loading zone?
Anyone who is actively loading or unloading may park in a marked loading zone. Hazard lights must also be on. Time limit must be obeyed.
Who can park in a reserved stall?
If you see a reserved parking stall, indicated by a yellow reflective marker on the black parking pole, please do not park there are these stalls are reserved. Parking without a permit may result in a ticket or your vehcile being towed.
If you require to reserve a stall for such reasons as moving in or out, food truck services, or construction services, etc. There is a fee of $15.00 a day which can be purchased from the North Shore Community Policing Office, 915 7th Street, or call 250-828-3409.
Parking Lots and Parkades
Where is monthly parking available?
The City operates several parking lots and two parkades in the downtown core:
- 300 St. Paul Street Parking Lot - $75 per month
- 400 Lorne Street Parking Lot - $55 per month
- 500 Lorne Street Parking Lot - $40 per month
- Heritage House Parking Lot - $55 per month
- Sandman Center Parking Lot - $55 per month
- West End Riverside - $55 per month
- Seymour Parkade (240 Seymour Street)
- Lansdowne Parkade (335 Lansdowne Street)
Anyone interested in a monthly parking pass in a downtown parkade or City parking lot may contact Precise ParkLink online or at 1-888-783-PARK (7275).
Residential Parking
How do I obtain a residential parking permit?
The property owner is responsible for applying for parking permits. Property owners must apply to the City of Kamloops with names, vehicle licence plate numbers, and valid ID that contains proof of residence. Proof of residence can be shown with a utility bill, phone bill, or a driver's licence that associates the applicant's identity with the property address.
- Save your completed Application Form and email it to
- Parking Services staff will set up your account and email you with a temporary password and instructions within 10 business days.
- When you setup your online account, you will be prompted to change your password.
You will receive permanent hang tags in the mail. DO NOT throw these out—you will no longer receive new permits each year.
How long can I park my vehicle for with a residential parking permit?
Permit holders cannot park their vehicles for more than 48 hours continuously without moving the vehicle.
How many residential parking permits can I have?
Two permits may be issued for each single family residence and one additional permit may be issued for every 8 metres of frontage for property that exceeds 16 metres in frontage. Street frontage refers to the property line adjacent to the street in the area normally considered the front of the home and/or lot, but does not include a secondary or side yard lot line.
What happens if I do not have a residential parking permit?
Community Officers regularly patrol two-hour time restricted areas. Vehicles that are parked for more than two hours without a permit may receive a fine or may be towed at the vehicle owner’s expense.
What happens if I move or I acquire a different vehicle?
Residential parking permits are issued to specific vehicles and are associated with specific addresses. If a vehicle changes, your permit will not be valid until you update your account with Precise Parklink.
Having trouble?
View our resource guide
Email Parking Services or call 250-828-3409
What is parking etiquette?
Residents should remain mindful that parking on city streets is obtained upon availability of space. Out of courtesy for neighbours, residents are encouraged to park in front of their own residence when space is available.
What is the cost of a residential parking permit?
There is no charge for a residential parking permit.
When are two hour zones in effect?
Two-hour time zones are in effect from Monday to Saturday, 8:00 am–6:00 pm.
When do residential parking permits expire?
Residential parking permits are now permanent tags and do not expire.
Where should I display my parking permit?
Attach your permit to the rear-view mirror or place it face up on the dashboard of your vehicle. Officers must be able to clearly see your permit, and it must not be obstructed in any way. Failure to propertly display your permit may result in a fine.
Why are there parking restrictions in this neighbourhood?
Our two-hour, time restricted parking is in place to limit the number of non-residents who park in residential areas. Residential parking permits provide the City of Kamloops with a record of residents who park on their residential street.
Residential permit holders cannot park their vehicles for more than 48 hours continuously without moving their vehicles. While residential parking permits allow vehicles to remain parked on a street for up to 48 hours without moving, the vehicle, operators, and owners must comply with Motor Vehicle Act regulations and Traffic Control By-law No. 23-30.
Tickets and violations
What is extended duration violation?
If you remain in the same parking space after your pay parking session has expired, you will receive a $40 non-discounted fine.
What is pay stationed space restriction?
No person shall park a vehicle in a paid on-street parking space at which it was previously parked, until at least three hours have passed since the vehicle last occupied that previous space. If you've already parked for three hours, you must move your car to a different parking spot. If you fail to do this, you will be issued a $40 non-discounted fine.
Where can I pay a parking ticket?
If you have received a parking ticket or violation notice, you have several payment options:
- Online
Tickets can be paid online with Visa, Mastercard, Visa Debit, Mastercard Debit, and Interac Online.
Pay online - Drop Box Deposit
Deposit in our mail slot drop box at City Hall (7 Victoria Street West).
- By Mail
Cheque or money order, payable to:
City of Kamloops–Community Services
7 Victoria Street West
Kamloops, BC V2C 2A1
- In Person
Visit us at the North Shore Policing Office (915 7th Street) or at City Hall (7 Victoria Street West) to pay a parking ticket in person.Please note that the North Shore Policing Office is open 8:30 am–4:30 pm, closed between 12:00–1:00 pm; City Hall business hours are 8:00 am–4:00 pm during the spring/summer and 8:30 am–4:30 pm during the fall/winter.