Kamloops Cemetery

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Glossary & FAQ

Here are some of the common terms when dealing with memorials to aid in making these emotional decisions. 


What are the working hours of Cemetery Administration Office?

Please contact the cemetery office to make an appointment.

How do I purchase a burial plot or niche?

Contact the cemetery office to make an appointment and staff will help with choosing a plot/niche and taking payment.

Are there regulations for headstones or markers?

These regulations are outlined in our cemetery bylaws (No. 6-27). All markers and headstones require approval before installation. We recommend contacting the cemetery or having your monument company reach out to us beforehand.

What is green or eco-friendly burial?

We do not currently have or offer green burials in Kamloops. 

Can multiple people be buried in the same plot?

Yes, depending on the type of plot and whether the person or persons are cremated or casket burial. Please contact the office for more information on these options.

Who maintains the cemeteries?

The City of Kamloops maintains Hillside Cemetery and Pleasant St. Cemetery.

Can I plant flowers or place decorations on gravesites?

There is no planting of flowers, but families can purchase a flowerpot foundation to hold flowers or leave them on the headstone, but this is for fresh flowers only, there are bylaws that regulate what kind of fake flowers or decorations that can be displayed on plots and what time of year this can be done.