Glass, flexible plastics, and foam packaging are problematic to sort from other materials and are not accepted in the City's mixed or curbside recycling.
Please take glass, flexible plastics (plastic bags, overwrap, zipper-lock and stand up pouches, crinkly wrappers (eg: chip bags, granola bar wrappers), plastic netting (eg: used for fruit) and flexible packaging (eg: bubble wrap) and Styrofoam to one of these designated Recycle BC Depots:
- Columbia Bottle Depot - (formerly General Grant's Sahali, 963 Camosun Crescent)
- Lorne Street Bottle Depot (270 Halston Avenue)
- London Drugs (450 Lansdowne Street) accepts flexible plastics and foam packaging ONLY
Excess curbside recyclables (i.e. cardboard, paper, plastic containers, metal cans), electronic waste, lightbulbs, and paint are also accepted at the Columbia and Lorne Street Bottle Depots.
Still not sure where to dispose of something? Check out our Waste Wise App!