1455 Bunker RoadOpen 7 days a week*Recycling Depot open 24 hours a dayYard Waste Site open 10:00 am–6:00 pm*Yard Waste Site closes annually from December 1 to March 1. Accepted Recycling Materials The following materials are accepted at the Bunker Road Recycling Depot:BoxboardCardboardMetal cansMixed paperNewspaperPlastic containersGlass and flexible plastics are not accepted at City depots. Please take these items to a RecycleBC Designated Depot. Accepted Yard Waste Materials The following materials are accepted at the Bunker Road Yard Waste Site:Grass clippings*Garden waste**Tree prunings up to max 24" diameterHallowe’en pumpkins (remove any decorations or candles)*Sod and dirt are NOT accepted at yard waste sites (both are accepted at City landfills for $10/tonne)** Noxious weeds or invasive species should be bagged and placed in your garbage container or taken to the landfill for proper disposal.