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COVID-19 Employee Updates

We recognize that you may have questions regarding COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and want to assure you that the health and safety of all employees is our top priority. The City is carefully monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic and has established a Pandemic Planning Committee. Our priorities are to follow all instructions provided by health authorities, to provide accurate information, and to take the appropriate precautions against the potential exposure to our employees.

Please visit CityNet for the current employee FAQs, or if you don't have access to CityNet, check the employee bulletin board in your building or ask your Supervisor/Manager to print you a copy of the most recent FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

New Update

Following the direction of Dr. Bonnie Henry, as of Thursday, October 29, all City staff are expected to wear masks in City facilities when you are up and about (not at your desks), or whenever you cannot maintain social distancing (in vehicles or sharing a desk, for example). 

Reusable masks have been distributed to all employees, and more masks are on order now. If you require another reusable mask, please ask your supervisor to order one from stores.

mask icon

This is an evolving crisis. While we may not have answers to all the questions you may have at this time, we will endeavour to provide employees important and timely information so that you can protect your health and the health of your families and loved ones.

We all have a part to play – Together we can take steps to help minimize the impact of the virus. The best defense is to regularly wash your hands, avoid touching your face, cover coughs and sneezes with your elbow, and stay home if you are feeling unwell.

What you can do:

  • Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly (for at least 20 seconds)
  • Cover coughs and sneezes with your elbow; dispose of tissues appropriately
  • Stay home as much as possible
  • Practice social distancing (keep 2m distance from others)

What the City is doing:

  • Monitoring the situation closely with IH, EMBC, and other provincial health experts
  • ​Increasing cleaning protocols at City facilities
  • ​Placing updated signage on handwashing and health hygiene/prevention information at City staff and public facilities
  • ​Following the City of Kamloops Pandemic Plan
  • Limiting the capacity of City facilities to meet Public Health orders 
  • Following the direction of the Medical Health Officer in the consideration of any future cancellation of public events or facility closures (The City follows the authority of the MHO for these types of actions)
  • Bylaw Services: Bylaw Officers are assisting provincial health authorities to encourage compliance with the Provincial Health Officer’s orders to minimize community spread of COVID-19, however, health officers continue to take the lead in enforcing these orders. Bylaw Officers are providing education and information to businesses and residents who may be in contravention of the Public Health Orders, and providing reports of ongoing non-compliance to Interior Health.  

This is an evolving situation and we are working to get information to you as it becomes available. We will continue to monitor the spread and seriousness of this virus and will advise of any further actions needed.

Additional Resources