The City of Kamloops is part of the Recycle BC Printed Paper and Packaging (PPP) recycling program. This program outlines what materials are accepted in the curbside recycling program.
Recycling Inspections
As part of our commitment under the provincial Recycle BC program, the City performs regular inspections of recycling carts for both curbside and multi-family recycling. The goal is to educate residents on what is accepted and not accepted in the program.
OOPS! Tags
Carts with any amount of contamination may be tagged with an OOPS! tag recycling reminder. Recycling is still collected, and the tag educates the resident on what the specific contaminant was. This is often a well-intentioned case of items being missorted.
Recycling Enforcement
Unfortunately, some carts have consistently high contamination. In these carts, we find a significant amount of garbage, hazardous material, or material not accepted by Recycle BC. These carts receive a sticker over the lid informing the resident their recycling will not be collected. Collection is temporarily suspended until the resident contacts staff to discuss how to resolve the contamination issue.