- 3095 Mission Flats Road
- Open 7 days a week (Closed Christmas Day & New Year's Day)
- Hours: 8:30 am–4:30 pm
- Phone: 250-828-3813
- Payment accepted: cash, credit, and debit
Mission Flats Landfill Disposal Rates
Material Unit Fee Municipal solid waste (household waste) Tonne $90 Minimum fee (≤ 60 kg) Load $10 Bulky furniture (couches, loveseats, etc.) Surcharge $10 Mattresses and box springs Surcharge $20 Commercial appliances containing Freon Surcharge $15 Demolition, Land Clearing, and Construction Waste (DLC) Unseparated
(no sorting by commercial haulers permitted at landfill)Tonne $250 Yard waste Tonne $500 Source Separated DLC Wood waste Tonne $125 Gypsum Tonne $100 Asphalt roofing Tonne $125 Crushable aggregate (concrete, asphalt, etc.) Tonne $30 Clean fill - dumping body
(no rocks, stumps, or hydrocarbon-impacted material; sod ok; take stumps to Cinnamon Ridge)Tonne $10 Clean fill - hand-shovelled residential quantities Tonne $10 Tires on rims (passenger vehicles only; residential quantities only) Tire $5 Waste Requiring Special Handling Asbestos** Tonne $300 Carcasses and offal** Tonne $180 Creosote-treated wood (maximum 1.5 m length) Tonne $200 Registered hens Hen $5 Bulky waste (hot tubs, campers, etc.) Tonne $200 Miscellaneous (e.g. condemned food, burned items) Tonne $200 Mixed loads are charged at highest applicable fee.
**All loads less or equal to 250 kg will be charged a minimum fee of $50 to reflect the special handling required for these commodities. Asbestos and carcass loads are accepted by appointment only and appointments must be made 24 hours in advance of disposal.
Recycle On-Site - Free of Charge
- Batteries
- Electronics
- Domestic pesticides*
- Flammable liquids*
- Gasoline*
- Household paint and paint aerosols*
- Large exercise equipment
- Mixed paper
- Newspaper
- Cardboard
- Boxboard
- Plastic containers
- Metal cans
- Power tools
- Propane tanks
- Residential and commercial light fixtures*
- Residential appliances containing Freon
- Scrap metal and major appliances (e.g. washers, dryers, stoves)
- Small appliances
- Thermostats
- Tires off rims (residential quantities only)
*Items must be in their original containers. Visit ProductCare.org for details on waste recycling by Product Care Recycling.
Recyclable Items with a Fee
- Commercial appliances containing Freon (refrigerators, air conditioners, freezers etc.) - $15 charge per appliance
- Tires on rims (passenger vehicles; residential quantities only) - $3 per tire (2024 pending rate is $5 per tire)
- Bulky items (couches, love seats, etc.) - $10 per item
- Mattresses and box springs - $20 per item