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When/How to Place Carts?

Residents are reminded that under the City’s Solid Waste, Recyclables, and Organics Bylaw No.40-67, carts are to be placed at the curb by 7:00 am on designated collection days (and no earlier than 4:00 am between April 1 and November 30) and removed from the curb by 7:00 pm. Please observe Bear Smart guidelines when applicable. 

How to Place Your Carts

  • During the winter, place carts in an area free of ice and on the road side of snow piles and windrows. View our video below!
  • Carts are to be placed at curbside by 7:00 am on collection day.
  • Cart lids must be completely closed for pickup. Do not overfill containers or compress items. Cut down large cardboard pieces.
  • Carts must be kept clean.
  • Secure all carts on private property on non-collection days.
  • During Bear Smart Season (April 1–November 30), do not set carts out before 4:00 am and do not accumulate bear attractants (Bylaw No. 40-67).
  • For damaged and missing carts, please call 250-828-3461.