Whether playing Pickleball outdoor or indoor, players are encouraged to review the rules of the game, safety, and player etiquette.
Game Play
Game play and safety applies to both outdoor and indoor matches.
- Serving is done on the diagonal.
- The ball must bounce on the opponents side before they can return the ball to you.
- The serving side must allow the ball to bounce for they can hit it back (serve, bounce, return,
bounce). - The serve can hit any line except the kitchen line and be called in.
- If the serve hits the kitchen line, it is considered short and the server loses the serve.
- The server calls out the score each time before serving (if there is a disagreement regarding score, talk about it when that rally ends).
- See above for line calls during the serve.
- After the serve, if the ball hits any line it is consider an “in” ball and is playable.
- Line calls are difficult to make—please be generous in the calls.
- If you are standing in the kitchen you may hit the ball after it bounces.
- If your toes or any part of your body touch the kitchen or the kitchen line, and you hit the ball out of the air (no bounce) it is a fault and the rally ends.
- When playing at Riverside Park, the side of the court that is closest to the river serves first.
- When playing indoors at the Tournament Capital Centre, the north court serves first.
- The first server calls out 0-0-2. This indicates the server’s score (0); the opponents score (0) and that they are the second server.
- Start the first rally with the second server as the first serving team has an advantage over the receiving team and this helps to minimize the advantage.
- Safety glasses or protective eye wear are strongly recommended.
- Do not run backwards. Instead, turn around and run back, and then face forward to hit ball.
- If your ball goes into another court, stop when you see the ball or hear someone call "ball". Do not run into the court - this is dangerous.
- If a ball comes into your court, stop when you see the ball or hear someone call "ball". Pick up the ball and gently return it to the players in the correct court. Avoid sending the ball back in such a fashion as to disturb other courts.
- Be mindful of where your paddle is and where your partner is so you don’t hit each other.
Outdoor Play
- Smile, introduce yourself, and welcome new players.
- Do not enter a court while a rally is in progress.
- If a ball rolls to your court, call out “Ball,” stop play if necessary, and replay the point.
- Please leave belongings outside the courts or attached to the fence inside. Do not place items on the ground inside the courts.
- Please help keep the courts clean.
- Scheduled time allotted for Kamloops Pickleball Club are for members only.
If outdoors, and the courts are full and you are waiting:
- Place your paddle in the slots provided to hold your group’s spot.
- Limit play to one game to 11 points.
- Call “court” when finished playing your game to 11 and rotate out.
- Once you have finished you have finished your game and you want to play again, place your paddle in the slots at the end of the line.
Drop-in Indoor Play
Registration is required to play. All program participants are required to have an online recreation account in order to access the facilities. Don't have an account? Create new account.
- Registration is required to play. Register now.
- Only registered participants will be allowed on the courts—no spectators
- Participants must:
- follow the rules and etiquette shared at the Pickleball Drop-In program
- adhere to all requirements and guidelines of the Tournament Capital Centre
- bring their own sport equipment and safety equipment (i.e. paddles, balls, eyewear, etc.)
- be dressed appropriately for game play (i.e.: indoor court/running shoes, athletic wear, etc.)
- limit the number of items brought to the play area (i.e. no large bags, no large jackets, etc.)
- complete, clean up, and leave the courts at designated end time
- Smile, introduce yourself, and welcome new players.
- Limit play to one game to 11 points.
- Call “court” when finished playing your game to 11 and rotate out.
- Do not enter a court while a rally is in progress.
- If a ball rolls to your court, call out “Ball,” stop play if necessary, and replay the point.
- Once you have finished your game and you want to play again, please wait at the back of the line to the next court. This must be along the perimeter of the courts, and out of the way of game play.