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Event Planning Guidelines

The City of Kamloops hosts more than 100 sports, cultural, and community events and tournaments each year. We understand the value and importance of planning an event down to every detail to ensure its success. We are here to help and provide guidance in planning an event in a City facility or park. 

We encourage every organizer to read through our guidelines to understand our timelines and expectations as we work together on your event. 

Organizers must complete an initial event application form, which the City will review for date availability and event viability. A City Events Coordinator will follow up to review and complete a thorough event checklist to begin planning your event. In the case of large events, a site visit before approval is required.

Event Application Information

Fees, Deposits, and Payments

Insurance Requirements

Event Requirements

Tenting and On-Site Structures

Food and Alcohol

Utilities and Infrastructure

Roadways and Parking

Additional Permits and Activities

Safety and Security

Event Development and Resources

At the End of Your Event

Have Questions?

Contact us

Community Events Coordinator
Phone: 250-828-3828

Culture and Events Coordinator
Phone: 250-828-3611

Tournament Capital and Events Coordinator
Phone: 250-828-3316