Please note: The property tax estimator will not be updated to reflect the 2025 tax rate until the spring.
2024 Residential Property Tax Estimator
NOTE: This provides an estimate only. In 2024, most property owners will see a substantial increase in assessed values. If your property assessment increase (or decrease) is close to the City average, the tax estimate is not greatly affected by your assessment change. If the percentage increase in your assessment is greater than the average, your property taxes will reflect an increase greater than the average. If the percentage increase in your assessment is less than the average, your property taxes will reflect an increase less than the average.
The property tax estimator uses a 9.55% increase for residential municipal taxes collected by the City. This rate reflects the provisional budget increase approved by Council.
Your taxes are also affected by the change in your home's assessed value. Visit the BC Assessment website for more details:
Read: The Property Tax Equation
Watch: Understanding The Assessment Process
Enter the assessed value of your properties:
(Residential Class 1 properties within the City of Kamloops only please)