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Submit an Event

Event Calendar Criteria

The City's events calendar includes City-led or City-sponsored events, Tournament Capital hosting events, and large community events that may have a significant impact on the community. All events must be open to the public and be held in a physical location that can be accessed by the public. Events must have a website or contact information provided for more information.

Events must not conflict with the City’s core values, vision, or strategic goals and should not adversely impact the City’s identity. Events shall not promote hatred or disrespect of any group and shall not discriminate on any grounds covered by the BC Human Rights Code. If the City of Kamloops becomes aware of any violation of these principles, the posting will immediately be removed from the calendar without notice. 

Events that are not City-sponsored will not be posted on the City event calendar. It is the sole discretion of the City to determine acceptable events.

Event submissions will only be considered if the event organizer is working with the Business Operations and Event Section of the City for a City-sponsored event, Tournament Capital hosting event, or large community events that may have a significant impact on the community. 

I confirm that I am working with the City's Business Operations and Event Section on a City-sponsored event, Tournament Capital hosting event, or large community event. (e.g. Kamloops Rotary Ribfest, Buskers Festival, Downtown Night Market, KYSA Slurpee Cup, etc.)

Please provide the name of your the staff member you are working with on your event details. 

Contact Information

Type the name of your event for how you wish for it to appear on the event calendar

Type of Event

Select all that apply.

Please provide a link to your event webpage or organization for more information.

Please enter the facility name and address

Provide a description of your event for the website. The City of Kamloops reserves the right to review for grammar, spelling, and readability. 


The City of Kamloops is collecting information under section 26(c) and (e) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (British Columbia) for the purpose of receiving and evaluating your event submission application. By completing and submitting the form below and providing supporting documentation, you acknowledge and consent to the collection and use of your information by the City of Kamloops for this purpose.

All documents submitted by Applicants to the City become the property of the City. The City will endeavour to protect information contained within the Applicant's documents in accordance with the Province of British Columbia Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Questions about the collection, use, and disclosure of this information should be directed to the Business and Operations Events Section at